Grow Naturally. Grow Healthily. Grow Sustainably.

Blue Ocean Biotech innovates cutting-edge Bioenzymatic Hydrolysis Technologies, manufacturing and supplying Ultra High Bioactive Chitosan Oligosaccharide (UHB COS) for plant health. UHB COS stimulates plant immune system, prevents diseases, improves stress tolerance, fosters plant growth and development. Blue Ocean UHB COS will shine the spotlight in the market, and differentiate our customers from others.

The pandemic of Coronavirus is severely affecting the whole world. History and science have proved time and again that human beings, as a part of the earth's ecosystem, can't be be above nature or isolated. Only by forming good connections and interactions with the natural environment and other organisms can we have truly sustainable health. We should care for nature, improve our activities and lifestyles, and establish a harmonious relationship between human and nature. Let's work together to build a better living environment.
